Bon bini, yena aki bou bo informashonnan!
Nos ta apresiá un kontribushon pa miembresia di MPB. Por skohe un di e opshonnan abou menshoná sea pa luna of pa aña.
Nos ta tuma protekshon di datosnan personal hopi na serio i ta tuma pasonan adekuá pa evitá mal uso.
Tur informashon di miembresia ta wordu warda na un manera seif i lo ta aksesibel solamente pa direktiva di MPB.
​MPB greatly appreciates your membership contribution. Below you can choose your monthly or annual contribution.
MPB takes the protection of your personal data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse.
Your data will be stored securely and will only be viewed by the MPB board.
Danki pa bo submishon!\Thanks for submitting!